Spain increases its emissions reduction target for 2030

Spain increases its emissions reduction target for 2030

Spain increases its emissions reduction target for 2030 from 23% to 32%.

On June 30, the draft Integrated National Energy Plan (PNIEC) was sent to the European Commission for approval.

According to this document, Spain will raise its emissions reduction target for 2030 from 23% to 32% compared to 1990 values.

Although still insufficient to comply with the Paris Agreement, this new measure has the long-term goal of making Spain a climate-neutral country by 2050.

At the same time, this measure contributes to the European Union’s greater climate ambition, raising its common reduction target from 40% to 55% (Fit for 55).

With this document, the PNIEC is updated in a context in which they claim to accelerate the ecological transition to respond to three key issues: curbing global warming, as well as climate change, the energy crisis, and recovery from the pandemic.

According to science, emissions must be reduced by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990 values to avoid a 1.5º increase in the global average temperature.

Considering that Spain is one of the countries most affected by the climate crisis (as shown by the increase in drought and the current heat waves), this document is an improvement over the current plan. Although we are moving in the right direction, the document does not take into account the urgency established by scientific studies to further accelerate this emissions reduction.

Cutting-edge technology to reduce CO2 emissions in freight transport.

Since 2014, at EccoFreight we combine cutting-edge technology and sustainability to offer our customers advanced digital tools specialized in calculating and reducing CO2 emissions in freight transportation.

At EccoFreight, through our Carbontech® emissions calculator, we have calculated more than 1,846,123 tons of CO2 and reduced more than 674,175 tons of CO2.

Through our EccoForest project, EccoFreight offsets our carbon footprint by reforesting desertified areas of the country in collaboration with Folia Project.

Advanced technology for sustainable forwarding.