Ultimatum to avoid a climate catastrophe.

Ultimatum to avoid a climate catastrophe.

The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), presented on Monday, April 4, assures that, by taking immediate action, we would be on time to limit the temperature increase to 1.5ºC.


To achieve this goal we should take immediate and significant measures such as, for example, reaching peak emissions in 2025, stopping the use of coal by 2050, reducing gas and oil consumption by %-70% among others.

Hoesung Lee, head of the IPCC, has stated in the third and final part of its Sixth Assessment Report that. “We have the tools and the knowledge to limit warming.”

This document, the largest analysis of climate change to date, contains a clear warning: If global emissions do not peak and begin to decline by 2025, it will be almost impossible to avoid a climate catastrophe.

Emissions continue to increase.


Although in 2015, the Paris Agreement was signed by different governments around the world, during the period 2010-2019, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions have continued to grow in all major economic sectors, according to the report.

If this situation continues, it will have serious consequences such as a warming of 3.2ºC by the end of the century, which is more than double the current warming. Lee has also stated in this report that: “The decisions we make now will ensure a livable future.”

The IPCC estimates that this increase will stabilize when we achieve “Net Zero” emissions or climate neutrality. This would occur when the sum of the gases we emit as well as those that the planet can absorb is zero.

EccoFreight calculating and reducing CO2 emissions since 2014.


Since our creation in 2014, at EccoFreight we have been pioneers in calculating and reducing the carbon footprint in freight transportation. Using state-of-the-art technology, we were able to develop Eccologistics360, the digital platform specialized in the calculation and reduction of CO2 emissions in international freight transport.

In our quest to raise environmental awareness, we also launched EccoNetwork,  the first and only community of agents united by sustainability and concern for the environment.  

At EccoFreight  we transform the present to secure the future. Now more than ever is the time to act because a sustainable future is built on the collaboration of all.